joi, 31 ianuarie 2008

SpringWidgets: RSS Reader

Powerful and critical analysis of nativist and anti-immigrant advocates. Provides an antidote to the rant and cant of the right-wing "news-shows." Great information on immigration, advocacy and comprehensive immigration reform.

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Students Design Sensor Network To Protect Romanian Forest

Four college students have developed an application to protect forests in Romania against tree poachers, flooding and fires. The application uses a network of sensors to monitor humidity, sound, temperature and carbon monoxide levels.

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Are sanse Doamna Clinton ?

Are sanse Doamna Clinton ?

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miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2008

The Digg Reel Episode 1 - The Big Digg Debut

Welcome to the very first episode of the Digg Reel! We've taken the best and highest rated user submissions from the video section of and put it all together for you to enjoy. So sit back, press play and get ready to roll The Digg Reel.

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Shut up, Bill

Dear Bill,We loved Bill Clinton as president.I know you want your wife to win. A lot of us want a Democrat in 2008. But you're getting mean Bill. That twinkle in your eye is starting to look more like crazy eye.You're making accusations that Karl Rove & Co. will eat up and spit back out at us come time for the general election...

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marți, 29 ianuarie 2008

Digg Wordpress Hack

Code to have Digg on Wordpress Blog

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duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008

Prison Break Caricatures

Cartooned Prison Break actors, great caricatures.

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sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2008

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2008

The Experience To Address America's Economic Challenges

"The next president will be a steward of our economy at a time when the bills from eight years of neglect and mismanagement will be coming due. He - or she - will have to turn our nation and our economy around," Hillary said.

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marți, 22 ianuarie 2008

How The Chinese Olympic Logo Was Created [Pic]

If that was creepy and simply like this, well I believe that you are happy that you wasn’t the lead actor into this project.

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sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2008

Plimbare prin Parang

Nice hike from the mining town of Petrosani. There is a ski lift a few kilometers away, and most of the hike are on paths surrounded by grass

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vineri, 18 ianuarie 2008

Korean Food: Beondegi

Beondegi are a popular snack food in Korean cuisine. Literally meaning "chrysalis" or "pupa" in Korean, Beondegi are steamed or boiled silkworm pupae which are seasoned and eaten as a snack...

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Melescanu ordona

Ministrul Justiţiei anunţă că nu poate da curs solicitării preşedintelui Traian Băsescu privind pe cei opt actuali sau foşti miniştri întrucât documentaţia primită de la Preşedinţie nu conţine dosarele propriu-zise ale acestora

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miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2008

Balamucul politic bucurestean.


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NASA Scientists Predict Black Hole Light Echo Show

It's well known that black holes can slow time to a crawl and tidally stretch large objects into spaghetti-like strands. But according to new theoretical research from two NASA astrophysicists, the wrenching gravity just outside the outer boundary of a black hole can produce yet another bizarre effect: light echoes.

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